Not only does the player not have to pay them for their services, but allies also have the benefit of providing a variety of support through the intercom.
One of the most efficient ways to get new ships into the fleet is to find friendly tarkhans or officers that may join the player’s cause. Moreover, if players station a Strike Group for a time at these outposts, they will be able to reuse it as they gain some intelligence points. If players remove the enemy garrison and land they can use the outpost to get a read on some enemy positions for either Strike Groups, missile and aircraft carrier task forces, or transport fleets. HighFleet Radio Gather Intel on Enemy Fleet PositionsĪside from fuel depot settlements, locations can also hold intelligence outposts. To best make use of the precious fuel resource and to maximize fleet coverage, it’s important to figure out an optimal fleet path. The map is filled with roving threats and unexpected allies that need to be avoided and contacted respectively. In some ways HighFleet can be considered a dieselpunk version of Oregon Trail with a military focus, where the player will have a long trek ahead of them to reach their target. Though expendable weapons like bombs and missiles aren’t so lucrative, they’re still worth picking up to equip on friendly ships. Most ship weapons, especially ballistic weapons like cannons, machine guns, and rocket launchers, come with a really high selling price and can quickly pay dividends. One of the best and stable ways to get cash is to salvage equipment from enemy wrecks post-battle. For the sake of cash efficiency, it would be wise to avoid spending unnecessary premiums on fuel unless absolutely necessary, and aim to top off the fleet’s fuel tanks and designated fuel depot cities for cheaper fuel.
The two most important resources in HighFleet are cash and fuel, which let you buy items and keep the fleet moving. To get prospective admirals started on their long journey to defeat the revels, we compiled a list of handy advice and suggestions to help jump the learning curve more easily. In fact, the whole game can be quite intimidating with its stylized UI and lack of hand-holding throughout the game.
The strategic layer of HighFleet is incredibly complex with many interlocking systems on top of a challenging campaign, even on Normal difficulty.